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No More Canker Sores or Fever Blisters

Do you suffer from canker sores, cold sores or fever blisters? When you first notice one of these coming on, give us a call. We can use our waterlaser to treat this irritating mouth sore, instantly eliminating the pain and discomfort. These sores will usually heal completely within 24-48 hours.!! Fever blisters on your lip or around your mouth dry up in 2 days or less. Do not suffer for days with these painful and unattractive outbreaks.



                        Are you or your child Tongue Tied? It’s Hereditary!

The tongue is actually a muscle-a very important muscle in the early stages of development. One of the many important functions of the tongue to e is to assist in shaping and widening the upper arch.  This simple task makes a massive difference in tooth placement as well as determining how tall the roof of the mouth is!  A narrow arch can lead to problems with how teeth fit and function together; a high roof of the mouth can lead to sinus issues, sleep apnea, breathing challenges. 

The whole body is connected…and the tongue plays an important role!  Simple test:  open your mouth as wide as you can without causing any discomfort.  Touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your front teeth WITHOUT moving your lower jaw-keep open as wide as you can.  Do you make it?  Come up short? If you have come up short…let’s talk about your tongue!

 With the use of a waterlaser and numbing jelly, in five minutes of your time, Dr. Shoup can change your life by simply releasing the band of skin under your tongue!  Breathe better! Sleep better!  DREAM! Swallow without feeling like your are choking!  No shots! No sutures! No clipping!  No downtime from work or play!   As a child-develop better for your adult life!  This is a common procedure, completed in our office very often!  This assessment is also part of our comprehensive examination!  Let’s check your tongue today!


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